
tgb6yhn4rfv 'If a person- is allergic .to flower_ pollen 'he obviously shoul-d_ try our brand ne+w allerg,y medicine. W*e provide o.ur 'customers +only with effec,tive a,nd safe med+ications, you_ do_n't have t-o worry! Asthma *often r.esults from a+ir pollution.- But there+ is a trus-ted way t*o sa*y Good bye, to asthma! If, your child +su*ffers from _asthma don't wait' him +to overgrow his 'diseas*e as i_t may never_ happen. +Does lowering LD_L ch+olesterol preven_t heart att'acks a'nd strok,es? Read more o,n chol-esterol. Accord'ing to the- Natio.nal Audit Offic+e, bein_g obes_e can tak,e up to nine ye-ars off your .li*fespan. Ob*ese people suff'er eve_ry day not only ,fr-om the way- they look but from' numerou's disea,ses! Al_most half of ,all the men in_ the -world h+ave problem*s with sexua_l performan,ce. Are you 1 o*f them? T,here are t*wo ma*jor drawbacks of, a-ntibiotics+: bacteria_l resistance_ and ha_rmful side effec_ts! Chole.sterol c,an build up, on the ins,ide th.e blood vesse'ls of your _heart.+ That's no way h'ealthy! I h_ate+ my extra wei_ght but I .can not ge't rid of it, n,o ma_tter what I tr.y. I am rea.dy +for surgery n*ow! Even mild as-thmatic.s can di_e of asthm_a, but+, mostly due to im-proper *care or delay'ed t,reatment.' Even seco-ndhand smoke i+s associ*ated with* an increase i,n bronchi*tis, sinusi-tis, & asth*ma. Lear_n more! -Drugs wi.thout any sid,e effects ar_e quite .rare nowad'ays! But 'there is one t-rusted medi.catio,n for you! Gene,ral- principles of _asthma m'anagement a-nd con,trol are not ve-ry difficu-lt. But t+hey requ'ire attentio*n! Since t,he time *I came acros,s this an.tibioti'c I have never had. ev,en a small. infection_! It really wo'rks! A.frican Ameri*cans ha*ve an increased ,incidenc+e of asth+ma than whites-. Life- is a tri'cky thi+ng… Even sec*ondhand sm.oke is associa*ted with an -increase in, bronchiti-s., sinusitis,. & asthma. ,Learn m+ore! Chole,sterol is e*asily measured in _a blood *sample. So, ,why wai_t? C.heck your blood and+ be sure! *Have -you heard +that chocolate -can help 'stop severe. asthma _attack? I wi'tn.essed it workin'g!!! We ar*e proud to_ offer y-ou one of ,the most cost-_effectiv+e and po_pular vi-tamin complexe+s for ,adults. Depressio'n is among' t*he most t_reatable o-f psychiatric il'lnesses. T*his is good* news, ,the bad is_… Some'times serious psy_chologi-cal disord*ers can lea-d to severe di*so'rders in men, eve+n to i'mpotence. O.rgan meats* are hi+gh in choles*terol content,_ but 'foods of pl-ant origin c'ontain no* chole.sterol. Painkiller_ addic.tion .started since the .last few ,years. Now i_t is an _ongoing te*ndency. Be, careful! -Ant*ibiotics must b.e taken -for the' full amount of. time prescrib*ed. by your do_ctor. Wa*tch out! Ma'sculine p-ower and pot+ency will be imp,ro.ved with the he.lp of ne'w Briti-sh scienti-sts' discov.ery! Asthma is a+ disease +which affe.cts t*he bronchi, or. airways, -carryi'ng air in and ou't of the lun'gs. Chi,ldren i*n school.s in high-tra-ffic enviro'nments have a, 4.5% increased risk- of 'developing_ asthma. M'enstruation is *natural, ,but cramps a're not'. Learn how to g,et rid of _that a'wful pa.in in 1 _moment! Ide'ntifying and co'ntrolling- asthma trig'gers can+ be a tough .job to do *but you' kid's life, is wor'th it all! Hig.h cho,lesterol le.vels in t,he blood ca'n increase your _ri.sk of coronary -heart diseas.e and can,cer. You mus-t co.nsume vitamin dir+ect*ly in th'e form of food or* throug-h supplements' as .tonic or pills. A -stu_dy has rev+ealed that traff_ic poll,ution. near schools 'has signi'ficant impa'ct to asthma *in kids+. You w+ill never treat, flu or br_onchitis+ with the _help of ant_ibiotics! But ,you can 'try to if y_ou 'like it. Weight*-loss surg'ery offer,s quick soluti'on for +your problem,s but i,t's the mos,t dangerous+ as w'ell. Your+ risk of developin*g se,rious hea*rt disea*se increases ,greatly if y'ou take to+o much cho'lesterol*. I can. tell you what 'you need w+hen de+pression k,nocks on your door,! These p_ills wi-ll he_lp you! It sometim'es *takes time and car'e- to get things exa-ctly -right whe_n taking pa,in relie*f medication. .Dear, your .weigh*t could not -be easily co,ntrolle-d if you alw.ays felt dis'appoi-nted and di*sgraced! Knowi-ng what* to watch -for and under*standing yo+ur asth'ma symptoms is. impor.tant for, your treatment. * Resea_rchers have f-ound tha-t vitam'in D is effe.ctive to treat' or pr'event all.ergy to co-mmon mold. B,est way *to trea_t cholesterol _in kids i*s with a diet+ and exercis-e pr_ogram involving ,the f+amily. People _whose live's have .been shaken b-y stress_ or illne'sses often -develop ,depressive cond'itions! E*veryon*e deserves a _clear _way to get rid 'of pain.. Paink'illers ar.e pretty d+angerous som,etimes! Accor_ding to t.he statis-tics o.ne out of three a+dult, Americans_ is obese. 'Think of wha*t you eat. A.ntib_iotics treat, both minor d-isorders* and ser-ious life-thre,atening infec_tion_s. Unmat*ched effect! Pe,ople wi_th asthma exp+erien,ce symptoms when+ airways tig.hten, in'flame, or .fill wi*th mucus. H.ow risky is it_ fo,r people with foo.d allergie*s to eat 'out? This' artic-le explores the* ris_ks and horrors He+re's, some goo+d news. To lower t-he cholest,erol, y*ou can .actually e'at more' of certain foods.. Allergy *symptoms gi_ve you a si+gnal t-hat it-'s time to ta.ke a new- pill an+d forget about al_lergy! Ac_ute urti+caria is comm+on, affecti*ng 10, - 20% of the_ popu+lation at some. time -in their lives., Many painki-llers can *caus+e addiction,. so it's i+mportant to- follow the in'stru.ctions care_fully. Your ge*nes p_artly determ+ine h_ow high your ch-oleste'rol is. H*igh cholest_erol runs in f,amilies. Th.e risk +of antibiot.ic asso.ciated diarrhe'a rises _with ho+w often and ho*w long- the drug is' taken. When* you eat more c*alor*ies than -your body can co,nsume you .start 'growing fat' or become _obese. F.or those wh'o have, little patienc_e there are m,e'dications to lower _c_holesterol easil'y & effecti,vely-. For many famili*es, l-earning pro*cess of asthm-a managemen_t is ,the hard'est part of _control.ling asthm+a. What anti'biotic will *you ch_oose if you don't _know f.or sure what ki+nd of i.nfection y+ou have+? We don'.t believe in mi-racles,, but we _believe in gr+eat p_ower of medicine'! Check it _out' now! The poo-r have le+ss access to -asthma -medicine & good- care & are +exposed+ to common. triggers. I*nf'lammation, mucus +produc+tion, & muscle, co_nstriction shr*ink the +airways i.f you have asthma*. You a-re old en_ough to u.nderstand *what dangers are_ conne,cted with cho_lesterol i-n food yo+u eat. Stay_ away from 'movements _that nee+d force i'f you f*eel acute pai_n in you*r joints'. You ne*ed help! It i+s high time f.or yo,u to know- what measures sh_ould be *taken not to f'all *ill with bac.teria'l infection. Everyo'ne deserve+s, a clear way -to get rid of *pain. Pa.inkille_rs are pret-ty dangerous so+metimes! My, paink,illers' *effect .decreases. It real-ly worr-ies me, what -should I *do when -they stop wor*king? Pa_inkillers ,don't be'come less effec+tiv.e if you take -them for a l+ong time.. Learn more 'about+ it! How *much fast_ food does you-r kid c_onsume d.aily? Is i.t within health.y li*mits? Time to ta_ke c*are! There are ab+out .1 million Canadi'ans and_ 15 million+ Amer.icans who suff*er from asthm,a. S-ince the time .I cam.e across this ant,ibi-otic I have nev_er had even a +sm-all infection! It_ re+ally works! Y*our level o-f obesi,ty, overall hea'lth and mo-tivation_ determine the. treatment, me-thods you choose-! Addicti.on to paink*illers ,occur*s when someone ha-s a com,pulsiv+e need to use pa.inkillers.' Examine- varying d'ose levels of .HGH given t-o* children of sh_ort stat,ure and, the effect+s on final height.+ Antibio*tics ar*e commonl*y prescri.bed for r-espiratory +infections, but t*hey are ca.used by+ viruses.. Take care of -you.r child'-s diet because e'xcess of _cholestero+l often- causes heart dis-orde+rs in kids. Ne-arly a-ll cases of *asthma-relat-ed de+aths result_ from a l-ack of oxy'gen, not from c,ardiac arres't. .Identifying asth.ma trigge.rs and sym,ptoms can ta*ke ti_me & goo+d detective ,work. .Are you ready for *it? Early w_ar,ning signs are -changes that, happen ,just -before the b,eginning of an -asthma att+ack+. American.s spend $10 bi+llion per ye+ar on the st*atin dr'ug, Lipito.r alone to f-ight *high cholesterol,. It's ti'me_ to buy the items f.rom yo'ur wish lis.t – di'scount se*ason arrived- at your doorwa.y! New me-dic,ine will help preve*nt the sym.ptoms from+ -worsening and caus*ing an ast+hma a*ttack. Get _ready to make i+mpoten*ce be afraid o-f you! It -is not- difficult! Al+l you ne,ed is *here fo*r you to find! Acc+ident may -brea-k your life fo-r a while,, but* you have t'o get up and go_ on moving+ forward now!_ C+an you imagin'e yourself li+vin-g long-long life 'withou't a hint of ,sex? It's +impossibl-e! Wha_t antibiotics are *meant for .is eff_ective bac,terial infe'ctions. treatment. _Did you k*now that? O+n the in+ternet I _found a magic, antibiotic_ but my .doctor has never *heard a-bout th.at. Strange, hu'h. 'Low self-e*steem, guilt, emot.ional str.ess, or t,raum,a can lead+ to overeating res-ulting- in ob_esity. Combi-ned with lack o+f exercise+, 'obesity contribut.es to one t_hird of can+cers of c.olon & br.east.. Hundreds o*f peopl,e daily fight ,their depre+ssions+ everywhere arou*nd -you. You are n*ot alone he,re! Vit_amins have to+ come* from food bec_ause they a.re not ma,nufactu,red or formed .by the body 'itself'. Are y-ou suffering- from sexu+al disorders? The_n y+ou will get ,intere,sted by this amaz,ing, medication. It i*s a 'common myt'h that a +child will outgrow_ his* asthma. _It can not h+appen unless y.ou tr.eat it. Wh,at antibiotics ar*e mea,nt for is effe-ct*ive bacteria+l infections trea-t*ment. Did _you know that? T,hough_ not curable, .asthma can -be controll+ed with d*rugs' and by avoidin_g con-tact with triggers.. _Have you tried th_is pain* killing d,rug? I .think it's ,gonna start a. real' sensation in m+odern pha,rmacy! Depres'sion only l+ooks as a m+inor di'sorder. ,Actually 'it's th,e cause of 'thousand of annua.l dea-ths. Even ,if your doc,tor pres.cribed you wi'th a dr'ug you should- be ready for+ sid.e effects & compl*icat+ions. You, will never trea-t flu o+r bron*chitis with the he_lp of a'ntib+iotics! But +you can .try to if yo-u like it. If yo'ur p.roblems with* sex make pu_t yo.ur family life in d'anger, _you have' to do someth'ing quickl,y This- medication* helps_ you prevent t_he symptoms- from *causing a severe b*ron'chial asthma+ attack. Your. being on t-he lo'west possi.ble dose of -asthma att+acks p-reventer reduc'es the_ chance of side+ effec_ts. I have+ no reas*ons to take *painkillers any m+ore bu,t I simply c,an *not stop doing th_at! Is it- addiction? -People wi-th high bl_ood .cholestero+l often dev+elop cor'onary heart dise_ase. 'Take care of your* blood'! Remem*ber that too mu*ch of pain r'elief, medication can. lead to ,liver damage- an-d even deat'h. People .with all-ergy are *likely to hav,e children *with inborn *allerg*ies. Good t_reatment matter-s! Did- ya know, vi+tamins a*re organic cat_alys,ts. Some -of them are' fat soluble o.ther are wat'er soluble.. Y*ou may not h.ave all of ast+hma symptom,s, or yo'u may have, sympto+ms at differen,t ti+mes. It is+ quite safe to _take your* pain r+elief drug ,for as long .as you_ need to, if it i*s helping y_ou_r pain. Most ast,hmatic_s who suffer a, near+ fatal attac*k dela*yed seeking treatm,ent *or abuse_d rescue inhal,er. Statins _are a- group of drugs t.hat lowe,r the chol+esterol le.vel by app_roximat-ely 30%. Isn't i,t great?_! Ob.esity is not on.ly the' reason wh*y you look u+gly, it may als_o c'ause serious pro.blems +with health. 'After. continued use .of pain -killing -drugs, mild, side effects, usually -resolve _within -a few days. N-ow when* people don't s.top ta'lking abou*t human growt+h hormone, _many start +wondering -if it's .safe. If you _are .under twenty your. t+houghts often are _not that b,righ*t and li'fe often se-ems too difficu-lt! It's al_wa-ys better- to be well-info'rmed abo.ut the medicati-on you _take in or-der to _avoid mis.use. Pai.n relief medicat-ions as any. other drug -are ai-med at .improvin'g your life and co+ndition., Cholesterol .is, found in c'ertain produc'ts we eat, suc+h as dairy+ products,- eggs+, and meat_. 107 m,illion, or 1 i.n 5 adul.ts, has cholest_erol levels' above 2'00 mg/dL., That +is borderline- high! The're are 4 m,ale sui'cides for every ,femal+e suicide,_ but twice as m+any fe-males a.ttempt suic+ide. I am pretty *su-re if my docto.r had to ex-perience my +pain fo,r himself, he+ wouldn't _last a s-ingle day.. Cholester+ol can bu*ild up on the -inside .the blood ve.ssels +of your heart_. That''s no way heal,thy! Cut ba+ck on foo,ds wi'th lots of fat su*ch as fat_ty 'meats, fried, foods, lard, ma+rgarine a-nd oils.. Did, you know -the amazing fact t.hat ,different types *of antib,iotics trea*t d*ifferent kinds of* infection.- Life _with depre.ssion seems a*bsolutely di_fferen,t tha't you can imagine! 'I+t is grey, o'h, now it's bl+ack! Ask you*r .doctor about .the side* effects of yo_ur asthma trea'tment. Ar_e yo'u sure it's absol,u+tely safe? Men* are likely to +e,xperience long_-term unemploy.ment what' often lead-s to, potency probl'ems. Impote*nce treatmen_t can b*e a tou'gh job but you w-il_l succeed if you. do not give, up you,r struggle! D'o' you remem,ber the days_ when you n-eeded no pi_lls to feel h+appy?' They can com_e back again*! No ma-tter how dee'p and prol-onged .your depressiv,e condition_ is, this m'ixtur,e will s,top it for*ever! Only- 10% of asthm_atics de_velop se.vere asthma., It makes les,s tha'n 1-2% of 'the populati'on. Prote-ct yourself+ from aller-gy & dust mites- by+ covering your bed_ding with- dus*t mite proof c-overs._ Obesit.y is a pro-blem that is .not taken s.eriously by *most people.* A_re you aware, of the r+isk? The majo'rity of sexual. disorde,rs can b'e treated +with thi*s one sin+gle medication. *Just try it .yourself!- Many an_tibiotics,, especia,lly most +powerful one+s often' have side ef_fects!' You shoul,d be read-y for it. Wha't do you have t*o do' when yo+u catch a bacter-ial *infection? Come to' us and_ buy an ant,ibiotic! Alc,ohol, i*mpote_nce and substa,nce abuse is- five tim*es more comm_on in men* than in wo-men. Asthm'a is +a condition .that affects ,millions o.f people. and inhibit-s what t,hey do- in their lives.* Th,ere's no suc+h thing as free l+unch!* You have_ to pay 10% f_or m-ost effective_ medication! Thi*s art'icle wil*l help you in 'your fight ag_ainst- aging. Find o,ut wha-t can be done. with th+e help of HGH'. This, is my do+ctor wh.o give me ba+ck my life! He' and 'this pain -relief medicin*e made me al,ive again+. If you have_ a severe- ast,hma it is vita*lly ,important to know_ how to, use your in+haler co+rrectly. More t*han '50 million Amer*icans su-ffer from a.ller,gies or an relat,ed disea_ses, .like asthma. D'on't be th+at stupid_ to make .more and -more steps to. erectile. dysfun_ction! Start livi.ng health-y life! 'One of the *most import,ant side -effects of .serious nar.cotic p+ain kill.ers is the r_isk of depend*enc-y. Antibiotics *fight b,acteria but, they find the w-ays to' cheat th'e drugs. We *are work,ing to protect. you._ Seasonal depres*sion spo_ils liv,es of t,housands of people* & you* just o'ne of them.' No nee,d to worry! You +will never t.re.at flu or b,ronchitis wit'h the 'help of antib_iotics! But *you can t-ry to if_ you lik,e it. Painkil+lers are the, most abused- typ,e of prescrip+tion dru-gs by teenagers, +follo*wed by 'stimulants. Grow,th hio_rmone promotes m,oo*ds and increas'es youthful* feelings in_ people_ in mid-thir+ties. & forties. Plet+al (cil-ostazol) _evoclin s+ilagra Bena*dryl — Allergy,- Hay Fev,er, Com_mon Cold, Sneez*ing, Runny- Nose, It+chy Eyes Z'inc Gen'tamicin Eye' Drops (Alcomic'in*, Apigent, B_iogaracin, Cidom'ycin,, Diakarmon, -Epigent+, Garam+icina, Garam_ycin, Gen*optic, Gensumy'cin, Ge.ntalline, Gentame_n, G,entamin*a, Gentamytrex,, Genta-rad, Gentasporin., Genti-cin, Gent-icyn, Ophtagr_am, Optimycin., *Refobacin,, Sulmycin*) Topamax ('Topiramate, pain,' to-pomax) Ma-le RX Plus Liqui_d — Ere.ctile ,Dysfunction _amiodar.one Triamcinolone' Oral P_aste (Ari-stocort, -Kenalog, Trid,erm, tria'derm) c_ordarone m+eticorten, Arthritis +erosive esoph,agitis nimo_dipine_ anacin hypoten F'ura,zolidone [furazo*lidone] '(furoxone.) triesen'ce prazosin mer-idi,a Silagra (*Sildenafil Citrat-e) Anti'cholinergi*c asendin Gl_u+cosamine & Ch-ondroitin *[glucochondr.] (Chondroit*in Sulfate, +gluco-samine *sulfate) T,rivastal (.Piribedil_, Pronoran, Trastal+, Trivas+tan) canas,a alben-za avapro D'ement*ia didanosin-e chemot,herapy Dron*tal Allwormer+ For Cats (Py+rantel- Pamoate-, Praziqua_ntel) Geriforte '— Anxiety, 'Stress, A+nti-Agi_ng, Ay.urveda postin'or multiple sc'lerosis ne,em' arthrofen Ventric-ular Dysf,unctio,n sinemet Or.gan Reje-ction levothro+id allergy ,xe'loda Pamelor (no.rtiptyl+ine, Norve_ntyl, Av.entyl, Allegron, ,Noritr+en, Nor-trilen, Se'nsival) Nasal S,pray _Captopril — High +Bloo'd Pressure, Hype'rtension,_ Heart Fai,lure,+ Heart Attack, ,Myocardial, Infar*ction, Diabetic -Nephropath'y Joint P_ain Hypertr,iglycer*idemia Clo-fazimin'e — Leprosy Ha+rid'ra Human Growth_ Horm,one (hgh) Pristiq, (desv.enlafaxine-) sleep well *Caverta — *ED ze'talo Misopro.stol (Cytotec) ' Abilify _— Schi-zophrenia_, Bipola+r Disorde+r, Depressio*n, Antipsycho,tic perlute*x hyperaldos.teroni'sm noroxin a+dhesive+ capsulitis ,Quick-De,tox [quickdet,ox] Alcohol*ism amikac_in chron*ic atrial_ fibrillati,on zoleri A-loe Vera Ju.ice ('With Hon-ey, Ginger & +Lemon) Zyprex*a — Schizoph-renia, .Bipolar Disord*er, Depr*ession U*rethrotr,igonitis Bell's *Palsy +pronoran plavi+x -Soma [soma] +(Carisop'rodol, Sanom'a, Carisoma, pa.in,* carisprodal, mus'cle rel_axer, mu.scle relaxant., van.adom) immunomo*dulator pro+metrium Al'legra [all.egra] -(Fexofenad,in, Telfast, -Fastofen) p.riligy bondr'on-at Spermatorrhea+ Anxiety Tri'chomoniasis* volt_arol vyt,orin Vasodilan+ Dic,lofenac (Voltar,en, Vo+veran, Voltaro,l, Volta+rol SR, Vol.tarol R'etard, Voltarol R*apid, D*iclomax SR, .Diclom_ax Reta+rd, Motifene, Def.enac, ,Diclofex, Dic-lozip, Dyloj,ect-, Fenactol,_ Flamrase, Fl*amatak, Ec,onac, Rh.umalgan SR, Rhu-malgan XL_, Volsaid _SR). lupus Bia'xin (Clarith*romycin, Clarac,- Cla-ribid, Clari-dar, Clari'hexal, Clarix, ,Kalixo,cin, Klacid, K.la-ribac, Klarici,d, Kl'erimed, Klerimi_d, Mavid, Naxy., Z.eclar) fl_avedon uri,stat Gas J Jan*umet (sitagl-ipti.n, metformin_) sterapred Zy*ban — Smokin.g -Cessation, Quit Sm_oki_ng, Stop Smokin_g Zovir,ax (Acy'clovir, Aci.clovir, Cyc,lovir, Herpex', Acivir,' Zovir'ax, Zovir) Pemphi-gus Dru.g Addiction C+ompazine ,— Na_usea, Vomiting, ,Ps_ychotic Disor*ders, S'chizophrenia, Anxi'ety, _Psychosis gent*amytrex N.iaspan (vitam.in B3, ni_cotini+c acid, ni,acin) estrac.e cr.eam Lamisil Cream* —. Athlete's Foot, .Joc+k Itch, Ringworm,. Versicol.or, Tinea C*ruris, +Tinea Corp-oris, Tinea+ Pedis, Fungal' Infection+s,' Fungus M-otrin — Pai,n, Osteoart.hritis, Rh+eumatoid Arthrit+is, Joi-nt Pain, I'nflammation, F_ev+er, Headac_he, Toothache Er.ythromyci_n — An-tibiotic, B_acterial+ Infections Purim _Cia,lis Jelly ('apcalis, t,adalafil)_ Keflex [*keflex] (ke_ftab, Cefalexin, *Ceph,alexin, Sporide'x) Acton_el (-Risedronic aci.d, ris-edronate sod-ium, oste+oporosis, _Avestra, Norsed,+ Optinate,' Osteoclax, _Oste,onate, Ribast*amin,_ Risofos)* bimaran conic-ine Sy,mbicort — +Bronchospasm_, Asthma, COPD, I'nhale+r Aphro'disiac Slimex *(sibutramin.e, m.eridia) maxaman Hea_rtz (,Large Dogs) (H'ear+tgard Plus, Iverme,ctin, +Pyran-tel Pamoate) zometa' wellbutri'n br*ahmi Altace (,Ramp+iril, Tritace, Ram'ace, Lop_ace, rami.pril) Cy.toxan (cycloph-osphami.de, Procytox) . posttra,umatic_ stress d-isorder po+sttraumatic st'ress disorde+r bonviva- me_tronidazole gel- estroge_ns quinbisu irr-egula*r heart rhy_thm desy'rel spiractin Bac_trim (Co-+trimoxa+zole, trim-ethoprim, _sulfamethox-azole, Septra-, sep.tra ds, bac-trim ds, cip.lin+, ciplin ds, 'Septrin) Po,nstel (mef,enamic acid., Pons+tan, Pons_tal, Parkemed, Maf'ep*ain, Mephadolor*, Meftal, Dyf*enam+ic, Potarlon, D.olfenal, Mey,e'rdonal) Motrin — P,ain, Osteo,art,hritis, Rhe.umatoid Arthrit-is,- Joint Pain, I,nflamma'tion, Fever, Heada'che,_ Toothache. Anemia* tricor Kytr+il (gran.isetron) So.ma (Carisop.rodol, Sanoma,_ Carisoma, ,pain, ca*ris*prodal, muscle re.lax.er, muscle relax+ant, vana,dom) ,claravis obsessive_-compul-sive diso_rder Det'rol [detrol] ,(Tolt,erodine Tablets) A_ccupr+il (quinapr.il, Acc,upro, Acuitel, Ac.upril, -Asig, Filpri,l) A,sacol (Lial+da, Mesalazi,ne, As_acol, Ipoc*al, Pentasa, S'alofa+lk, Canasa-, Rowasa, Pentasa,, Asacol,- Apriso, Mas,acol). betamethasone v*alerate' Ursodiol _ Uroxa'tral [urox-atral] (-Alfuzosin) Helico,bacter* Pylori Selegi_line (El'depryl, +Emsam, +Zelapar) Dif_lucan [di*flucan] (Fl.uconazole, Tr-ica'n) athlete'.s foot ce'rtex-24 elimite
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