
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mania News Updates

Mania News Updates

Shangri-La Episode #20

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

With MEDUSA threatening the world’s economy, the UN has to take action..

What They Say:

SHANGRI-LA is the story of a young woman fighting for her survival in a real "urban jungle."...

The 5 Crappiest Movie Supervillains

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT


Recent years have seen a slew of incredible superhero films from the X-Men franchise to Iron Man and The Dark Knight. Fans have been treated to the likes of Ian McKellan’s masterful portrayal of Magneto and Heath Ledger’s Oscar-winning turn as the Joker, but for every great villain there seem to be five bad ones. For every subtle and sympathetic characterization...

Should the DC Universe Go Ultimate?

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

In the world of superheroes, it’s necessary to keep history on a fairly loose leash. Marvel and DC have both made reference to a “sliding timeline” – in the Marvel U, no matter what year it is, it’s only been 5 or 10 years since Fantastic Four #1...

10 Fangtastic Vampire Con Photos

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT


With vendors to attract even the most undead of them all, thought-provoking and entertaining panels, as well as blood rushed fans, Vampire-Con at the Music Box at Fonda Theatre in Hollywood was the place to be, whether you like your vampires classic, Southern or sparkling...

Bleach Vol. #18

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

The plot begins to take shape with lots of Uryu action.

What They Say
The Bounts target Uryu and bring him before their leader, the megalomaniacal Kariya...

Azumanga Daioh Complete Collection (2009 Edition)

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Get it together, anime fans, and don&rsquo...

Love*Com Vol. #12

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Amidst the never-ending college problems, there are some wonderful moments, some dull ones, and a one-shot that fills me with rage.

Creative Staff
Writer/Artist: Aya Nakahara
Translation: JN Productions
Adaptation: Shaenon Garrity

What They Say
Risa Koizumi is the tallest girl in class, and the last thing she wants is the humiliation of standing next to Atsushi "...

Warehouse 13: Implosion Review

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT


Warehouse 13 finally realizes its potential in the best episode of the season so far. "Implosion" expertly blends the best elements of the series into a package which transcends the ...

Berg's Idea for HANCOCK 2

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Director Peter Berg has a plan in mind for Hancock 2, a sequel to last summer's blockbuster which pulled in $624.3 million worldwide. Keeping in mind there are spoilers to the first one (in case you haven't seen it yet), while talking to SCI FI Wire...

Comics on Sale August 19th

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

It’s Wednesday again, and as everyone who’s anyone (and quite a few that aren’t) know that means NEW COMICS!!! And I’m here every week to tell you what to buy. Awesome!!!

But wait… what if you&rsquo...

Soul Eater Cast First Round Details (VIDEO)

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

FUNimation is slowly teasing out information about their English language adaptation of Soul Eater which is due out in 2010...

One Piece Simulcast to Restart

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

After problems earlier this summer with the simulcast of One Piece on the One Piece Official Site, it appears that they have been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties involved...


Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Jon Hamm has jumped on board Zack Snyder's next action-fantasy, Sucker Punch, says The Hollywood Reporter. The "Mad Men"...

OUTLAND Remake has Davis

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Warner Bros. and Hollywood Gang Prods. have a director in mind for their remake of Outland.Variety reports the studio has set Michael Davis (Shoot 'Em Up) to direct a redo of the 1981 sci-fi film that starred Sean Connery. Davis will helm the production from a script by Chad St. John (The Days Before). Hollywood Gang's Gianni Nunnari is producing while Craig J. Flores exec produces...


Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

The cast for Darren Lynn Bousman's remake of Mother's Day just got a little bit larger with

Here's SMALLVILLE's Metallo

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

Your first photo of Brian Austin Green as Metallo in 'Smallville' is online. Plus: Does comic reveal 'Iron Man 2' designs? 'Twilight' star to topline 'Youngblood' movie? Sabretooth to come back for 'Wolverine 2'? More...

Deadly Tune for Shimizu

Posted: 19 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

We're sure we've all heard music which made us want to scratch out our eyeballs and jump off the nearest cliff. But director Takashi Shimizu (Ju-On aka The Grudge) is taking that idea literal with plans to helm a thriller for Phoenix Pictures, based on the plot device that a tune will make listeners suicidal.

Chris Philpott penned the script from a currently untitled idea by producer Taka Ichise and Shimizu...


Posted: 18 Aug 2009 12:00 AM PDT

From the trauma of war in Oliver Stone films to hospital humor on Scrubs, John C. McGinley has covered the acting gamut. But in his latest role – as the voice of Metallo in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies &ndash...

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